Opportunity 1 Performance

ROI results are calculated using commissions of $1.00 per equity trade.
Typically, 23 to 25 positions are open when the portfolio is fully allocated

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2021 ResultsJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal Return
Realized & Unrealized Autotrade Monthly Return8.4%22.0%8.3%2.6%0.3%-2.1%-7.9%0.9%34.2%
Acct Value End-of-Month Starting with $10k on Dec 1$10,845$13,229$14,334$14,706$14,756$14,442$13,304$13,424
2020 ResultsJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal Return
Realized & Unrealized Autotrade Monthly Return0.4%0.4%
Acct Value End-of-Month Starting with $10k on Dec 1$10,035